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Photo of Murales Rafael Espitia Colombia

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RAFAEL ESPITIA born in Cartagena, Colombia in 1967 STUDIES receive orientation of the maestro Julio Carlos Angulo. Engraving, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota. Watercolor Painting, Color Composiciny, The Art Students League of New York. Latin American Art History, Apreciacin Art, Photography, Universidad Nacional, Bogota. Art History, School of Fine Arts of San Fernando, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain. Digital...

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RAFAEL ESPITIA born in Cartagena, Colombia in 1967 STUDIES receive orientation of the maestro Julio Carlos Angulo. Engraving, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota. Watercolor Painting, Color Composiciny, The Art Students League of New York. Latin American Art History, Apreciacin Art, Photography, Universidad Nacional, Bogota. Art History, School of Fine Arts of San Fernando, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain. Digital Design, Photoshop, Corel Draw, Cartagena. ACTIVITIES Managing Partner of the company's Interior Design Interior Decor, Cartagena. Espitia Firms Creator Art, Espitia Furniture, Mouldings Espitia, USA. Professor of expression, Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Cartagena. Highlights its colorful murals and mosaics on display at the best Hotels and Convention Centers Cartagena. SOLO Prize Casa del Marques Royal Skandia Galera Cartagena, Bogota. Galera Skandia Cartagena. Galera Highway, Medelln. Galera Quintero, Barranquilla. Skandia Galera, Bogota. Inauguration of Art Salon Gobernacin of Bolvar. Velsquez Galera, Cartagena. I EXHIBITIONS New Art Salon Pierre Daguet, Cartagena. National Watercolor salon, Medelln. Coast watercolorist. Skandia Galera, Bogota. Salon II National Watercolor, Medelln. 450 years of Cartagena. Skandia Galera, Cartagena. Cartagena 450 Years. Galera San Lucas, Bogota. Tribute to Cartagena, Galley The Alley, Bogot. Colombian Artists in the collection UNICEF. Pen Galera, Bogota. Watercolorists Cartageneros, Galley Skandia, Cartagena. Colombian Association of Plastic Arts Artists. Centro de Convenciones, Cartagena. Galera Chamber of Commerce, Bogota. Galera Lara, Barranquilla. Art 85, Cartagena. Watercolorists costing. Skandia Galera, Cartagena. Skandia Galera, Bogot. The Arts Students League of New York. Galera Bank Livestock Cartagena. Centro de Convenciones, Cartagena. House of Culture 40 years Telecom, Cartagena. Galera Lara, Barranquilla. Centro de Arte France, Medelln. Novarreta Galera, Bogota. Coast watercolorist. Skandia Galera, Cartagena. Art EDcadas in Cartagena, Museo de Arte Moderno de Cartagena. Centro Cultural Casa de Vacas, Madrid. Centro Cultural Antonio Machado, Madrid. Centro Cultural Galileo, Madrid. Centro Cultural Casa del Reloj, Madrid. Salmeron Nicols Cultural Center, Madrid. Bemol Center, Madrid. Gallerie dArt, Bogot. Astoria Fine Art, Miami. Dart Gallerie, Naples. Mention of Honor I AWARDS National Watercolor Salon, Medelln. Publication of work in UNICEF card, New York. I IV Salon Award National Watercolor, Medelln. Title Honorfico in Plastic Arts. Escuela de Bellas Artes, Cartagena. Asturian Center of Madrid. Third week of America. Salon Third Prince of Asturias Award for Painting, Madrid. Third Painting Competition Award I Whitewater Parque del Buen Retiro, Madrid. 8 International Painting Prize Eugenio Hermoso, Badajoz, Spain. Outstanding Young Exaltacin the Chamber JNior Cartagena. Wall murals and mosaics Hotel Las Americas Global Resort, Cartagena. Mural Hotel Capilla del Mar, Cartagena. Building Social Area Mosaic Los Reyes, Cartagena. Olympus Private Collection dome. Cartagena. Mural Convention Center Las Americas, Cartagena. Diagonal 149 Forest Pines 8-73 apt 204 Bogota, Colombia Phone (575) 3106504516 Email: espitiapinturas@yahoo.com

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